Tuesday, May 24, 2005

What kind of Homeopathic remedy are you?

In the spirit of of web tests such as the Star Wars Personality Test, I followed a link from Anne's Anti-Quackery & Science Blog to ABC Homeopathy (linked from title). There, I took a little test to explain what ails me. I chose whatever interesting symptoms I found, plus whatever struck me as funny (be forewarned, my sense of humor never progressed beyond the potty stage). You can do the same thing, and learn what kind of homeopathic remedy you are. It's at least as good as any of the other on-line personality tests.

I said my problems were: mental (dazed, impaired intellectual faculties, insecurity, anxiety, fearful at night, fearful while having bowel movements, tired, and dizzy), throat (mucus, expectorating balls at night), stool (bloody, greasy, and slimy BMs), and perspiration (with diarrhea and during BMs), plus some general ones (anxious, flabby feelings, especially at night or during siestas). I learned that:

I am Sulfur
Sulfur is good for many things, including the mind, vertigo, head, eyes, ears, nose, face, mouth, throat, abdomen, rectum, stool, urine, genitals, respiration, cough, expectoration, chest, back, extremities, sleep, chills, fever, perspiration, skin, injuries, and general complaints.


  1. The internet is floating with personality tests. I liked the comparison between personality tests and homeopathy you made. If there is a difference between personality tests and homeopathy it must be that personality tests are fun, but believing in homeopathy is stupid (and could be dangerous too).

  2. "If there is a difference between personality tests and homeopathy it must be that personality tests are fun, but believing in homeopathy is stupid (and could be dangerous too)."

    By mocking homeopathy, my goal is to turn stupidity into fun, like a silk purse from a sow's ear. Hmmm, I wonder what homeopathic benefits there are in sow's ears...


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